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· jland in the judgtment. 341 the key out ofthe Pafl:ors hands, · and fo bolt np· the Kingdome of heaven, that people iliould not elllter? Who fees .not halfe the. fentence executed on many ·ruch already? even their talent already taken awa'Y : and the otlier halfe remaines, the taking aw~y ofthe man hitnfelfe, the binding of him, and cafl:ing hiln into the lire,as abundle good for nothing but for fewell ofthe fire of hell. ·S'• The A·po!He in Rom. 2. 7· · S·· g~ves other two certaine ~s ~f htm · that lhall fpeed we1l 1n judgement: i •. Hee ftefi.!i glorJ, that is, by faith and repentance he feekes the kingdome. 2. Hee perfevere 1 in good, and fiands out to victory: for gqod fruits from a found roote abide, and good works flowing from found faith are not vanifhing. When thofe _that are contentious againfl: the tt>nth, aud given up touhrighte ... oufneffe, lhall meete with tribu· Q.3 lation,