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lation, woe and anguifh, then fnall 1 thefe attaine glory and immortalitie. Verf. 2.8. YerilJ I foy unto you, there hee fomeofyou thatjl"nd -here,th~tt foall not tRjfe of de~eth, unti/1 they have feene the fonne Dfm~n .come in bid Kingdome. Theddrc JN thefe words our Saviour, of the partly to mitigate the - f~rmer words~ , doctrine concerPing felfdenial1) · bearing the croffe, and fuffering for Chrif} , ·partly to con fir me w~hat h~ hft.~q faid ·concerpi1g his , gloriou$ ~ominiog to judgment,, -and partly to fupp0rt and com... fort his Difciples , who by rea... fon of his bafe and low eO:ate could fee nothing leffe than the Vttlt ut con- great glory that hee fpeaketh of: . . · a- doth no\V mal<e a gratious proliqmd hnbe- mife, that although hee was now ant ~cmport in an ab;· ea condition and afrer a crucu & tf . J • Jliaionu 1 w htle was to bee more humble &c.BrJ't~. 1 and abafed, even to the death, the . I . · r lhamefGl I