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inhu I(ingdomt,what. 3-43' fhamefu11 ·death ofrhe cro£fe, and to be laid up awhile in .the houfe of death,.yet ere long hee fhou]d tnanifefi his glor~ ; ,and th0ugh his greateft gl0ry ilioolc} Jbee deferred till the laft judgement ,yet would he before that time lhine out in brightneffe and .glory to the whole world. And,_ w.heteas tbey, as his nea- · Jnse{tdtri~ .reil: and moll: faithfull ferv.ants, celerittU might eainefily defire to fee.'him . qrt~~ue their lovingMafier thus e~alted, raer and grieve that it ihould bee fo / long deferred,as that they might· be w·orneout of the_earth before that··rime; -hee meetes them in their defire, an-d tels them it is not fo farre off, but fome of thetn {houJd beholdit before their death. ·For the meaning . Amen, or Ex.po!itiverily : a forme of fpeech or affeveratiSn which Chritl: the-true and faithfull witne{fe often ufed tQ a vouch the truth: and he that 4 · faith