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in hil J(ingdome, what. ~~- ------------------------ phet of the Church, prophecied of by (}t!ofes, De ut. 18. 1 ~:L like unto UUofes, AfJ. 3.2 I. and like him in 5. things. I. As the truth hath a likeneffe with the tnadow, the mediation of Mofos be- ·. tweene God and his people be2 .. .ing a lhadow of Chrifts mediation~ 2. Like him i~ refpe Cl: of divine calling.to his office. 3. In refpe.d of his faithfulneffe in his calling, being faithfilll · in all the houre ofGod tU the Sonnc, Mofts 4: as a[er-11ant~ 4· Like him in · his - authoritie,he being appointed to teach usaltth ings,& we to heare him in all things. 5. In the event or fandion: w hofoever will not : heare bim,mufl: dye the death . . But fi1perior to b!ofts, as being the Lord of the holy pro- - phets, . as being God, the fcer of things properly and a· priori, as being faithfulJ in the. poufe as theSonne, as onelyabletofay, T .. a1 untoJoN,preaching in his own '---------~--S--~· --n-am_. _e,_ · _____