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346 CIJriflJ comming name, which none.bur·the head ofthe Church cai1 doe, and none but bee that bath power in the he~ut and confcience. Some that. ftaml here, foal/ Not :. , tafte ofdellth.J This is an Hebrew phrafe: nottotafleof death, is,.. not to die; but alluding to the caufe ofdeath,which was tailing . of the forbidden fruit; this was the firft tafi:ing· of death. So in -- /!Oh.8. 5 I •. Ht that k!cpeth m_} word, foaO ~ot fudeath: and He b. z·. 9· ChrHl: ta{tcd · deMh for all the. ·Elect. - 'TiU they· foe the fonne cf·man. c.ome in hu Ki1tgdome. l Here is -: fomedifference and 'diffic.ultie in the interpretation, ~ 1. Some referre it to the lafh : I.. . . judgement, of which Chrifl. had· ) . fpoken immediately before, and~ ·: errdneouGy conceive Fhat Chrift , · meant of'j,ohn,who tHey.·. thought· lhould not die till Chrifl: came a- . g~in~ to .the Iail: j~dg~ment. And i · · not ·