Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

in his J(ingdome,rvha t. -------------~-- --------:----- 110 marvell though fundry ha~e ueene ove.r-carried in this error, feeing the Difci pies the'mfelves, till . the fending of the Spirit to lead thetn into all truth, were wrapped in it. But this is fufficiently confuted in the Text, Joh.21. 2-3. 2. Ochers, both ancient and 2• ne\v·writers, as Hi!~ry-,Bullinger, · Chytrem, and Pifcator, underfl:and it of <:::hri£b :Transfigurati... .on which "immediately foHo\Ved,asifhee had fa id, Some of you, as Peter, rame!, and John, ilialL i fhortly fee ~nee ( fo farre as you . can comprehend) in that forme and habi~ wherein I will thus come. to judg-e'ment; as fixe daies aft~r they'mw nim on mount Tabnr ·in great glory. 'But firfl:, the fpeecb ( yee fhall fee it before your death) . feemes to carrie it tn' fomethitlf(beyond the com- . pa{f~· Qffo.few .·dayes. ·. Secondly, ' . ·weedoe ·no wherereade that the r ~~ :·. . -~ransfigu r_..., _\---