Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

and how it comeJ.· dome of power all creatures,men and Angel5, yea devils themfelves are {ubj,etl. The fpeciall King dome ofG,od 2. I is )lis gracious rule and governement ov_e:~Jlis Elect :called the . Kingdome.of Chrifl, becaufe he is the head of it : and the King• , dome ofheaven , becaufe it tends directly thither :. and the King- .dome ofthe Sonne ofm1114.0f this .Kingdome are two degrees :. of .grace : ofglory. The difference . ofthefe two, is, I. In time: the I .. furmer is begun on earth, the lat- .ter is confummate in heaven. 2. , In manner of government : the · former is governed mediatly,.,. by · his fervants and minifters,the la~t- ·ter immediat!y,by ·himfelfe,when he is all in all. 3. In. the manHer offubjection : t:he former.in the militant eft ate is environed bye- :n~mies and.aifailants : .the latter · is triumphant, in perfect reO: and ·, ipeac.e·,. , without- all affaul t. , . · :~ ' . . .. Q.Heft,