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and how it comes. 3-5 I Calvin, 71 -e ~~t , .B~cer , Tojfttnm, fitly . applie it to ~he po·wer and efficacie ofthe Gofpel ~ by which . the · Kingdome of ChrHl: was , farreand wide) ,with great pow- . er propagated after the time of ·. Chri!l:s Afcenfion :but yet in the dayes of. fome of the Apofl:les. . And to t:his interpretation the ' change of the phrafe ( Mttr~ 9,. 1.) giveth light : -fome. that are ~ here, fhall not taO:e ofdeath., tilt 'they have fecnc the Kingdome ofi God come "With po'»'er:Now what elfe is it, to fee the Kiogdome of God (;>()me with power; than to fee the enlargement andi increafe of the Kingdome ·of God, by the prevaili i1g of the, Gofpell, bringing in men to the obedience of faith !-whence, Rom~ 1. I 6. the · Gofpell is called the power ofGod: tofolvtttion. . . . But thirdly, let us looke int0 I I I. the a~c'?inpl~!h111:n.t o'ft~is ·l?,ro-. ~~~fiihw phecte , .. wh1ch will notably ~p- ment 1ig:hten . hereof.