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t:::ecc__ CbriflJ' King dome lighten the true meaning ;: becaafc wee ihall -here fee Chri£1: · now afcended, m-ightily. declaring himfelfe the King· of his Church,and that bee was not o.nly exalted unto the right hand of · God, but that, even in the dayes offome ofthe Apoll:les, he came . in the mighty power ofhis kingdome ofgrace : As appeared, t •. In the emiffion of his Apofl:les ~ Chritl immediady before his Aicenfion did call and fend out his Apo!Hes, with fpeciall protnife of his prefence in their . Mi;~ fierie to the·end ofthe world, Mat:,l8.t8. Goe f4nd teach all nations: their commiffion \vas, to nu~k_: Diji:iples every where.This g-reat worke the Apofile magni· fieth, Eph. 4· I 1. When hee ~tfcetJ· ded ·,.. hee c_f!.--1/.Vt gifts to men, fome t: t:Bn'l'iucrtt•rc· l to he·Apo.ftles, &c. for the [lithe-· . ring of the · S~tintJ, for the -work! l ofthe Minifterie >and the edific~ti- · .on ofthehldJ ofC.hr.ifl. This was one