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enltlrgedin th-e Gofpell. one moft powerfull meani for propagating his kingdom,which was herein feene glorioufiy to .come out through the world. - 2. • . In the defcendin§ of the . 2~ holy Ghoft, fiftie dayes-after his Afcenfion,, upon the Apoibles ; when the Spirit promifed .ca·me rufoing upon them tU 11 mighty 'JPinde ; ttnd filled all the ho11{e :: ~hereupon forthwith they prea~"' ched the Word of the Gofpell to · every.nation under heaven,. at Jerufalem., in their owne tongue, · All.2.2. whichwasafru.itofhis- i Afcenfion and Exaltation,. 'll• ·l~· · and a comming in his kingdome with power. · · 3. In the Apofiolicall gifts, 3: we ma~ fee how powerfully the Sonne of man_ came in his Kingdome, in their dayes: as the gift of know ledge in c:leepe myfl:eries of the King dome,_ without fludie ~ the gift of prophecie : the · g_ift of miracles,ofhealing by im- ~ofirion