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pofirion ofhands, of cafl:ing out devils, of railing the dead , and the like, for confirmation oftheir ;do_drine: the gift oftongues,and "' : 'ofimmunitie from errour in tea- .ching or writihg : the gift of the Apofiolicall rod, in fmiting offendors, as Paul did.E&mas with bl_indeneffe,.and Peter Anani~U & . Sapph,r~t ~- with ' fudQaine · cfe:Jth. . Whi-eh: peculiar gifts w·ere promifed and giverithem,that by the· · admirable u!e and pow.er of them 'the Sonne of man 'f.hould come · g.Jorioufl y in his,Kingdome ;. and ~the Church ·mor.e :and more cono:- · · firme~the . faith ,_and more alJured in the beginni'ng and cradle ' of it, to tne .love of Chrifl: and his tr.uth, who a little be for~ was fo·hared and defpifed. 4. d: 4· In the ApoHolicaU dili- ·gence, which. \Vas wo~derfull, and all to this end, that the Sonne ofmitn might come glorioufly in this his Kingdome. The trav~lls - of