14 . Difczples ofChrtft,lvho. ( thren of tbe fame elder brotherJ Jefas Chrifl:.; of o~e houfoold of I faith ; fit at the fame table, clothed with the fame fuit£, heires John 4·9· of the fame inheritance; and can thefe live as JtweJ and Samaritaru! 4. The Difciples refpetl:ed all Niltam Chrifis commandements ; but 'ommendat that which above all Chrifl: was ch:iflitJnam, fo earnefi in they would not forammam • ' f :,iflget, hts ne'lfl commandement o lo- .1 ving one another : Col. 3. I 3. and . offic. 1 Pu.4.8. Above all thing.r put on ~r.cap.II. love. What, above faith, confiJoh. 1l34· dence, prayer:~and the like? No; faith is. the parent of love: but above all graces that binde man to man, of which the Apofl:le there fpeaketh. It is the finewes in the body, the cement in the houfe, without .which aU were but cabling and confufion •. He is no Difciple, noJiving fi:one,who is not coupled with this cement, called the bont}-of perfection. . · We11,