Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

6. eh rifts Kin gd ome ded to Ch~ifis Kingdome in one day:- here came the Sonne of man g1ori(1)ufly in his Kingd.ome. And what wonderfull increafe it took in all quarters , all 'the Epiftles· of~he Apoft1es do witneffe : efpecially twenty yeares after ChrHls Afcenfion,in w hieh times , howfoever fome of the Apofiles were extin Cl: , as ]6ttneJ_· !laine with the fword by Herod'_, AH. t 2-. yet tome other ofthe Apofiles, ~nd of others who heard ChrHl: fpeake thefe words, were living:witneffe that Synod of the Apofiles, which was fifteene yeares after Chrifts Aicenfion, at Jerufalem, wherein J-ameJ fonne of Alphem wa~ Prefident; which fheweth 'both the flouriili.ing e!late of the Church at that time, and that many of the Apofl:les were then living :· and fo this prophecie ofChrifi \Vas accotn· plifhed. But, 6. Fortie yeares after Chrifl:s · Afcenfion,