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enld-rged.in the Gofpell. 35 7." .:____,____;::_____;___ Afcenfion, when all the J ewith worfhip and -ceremonies, together with the Temple, were fo abolifhed and deUroyed, as: one ft:one was not left upon another; thewhole hotife'and aU the utenfils and thadowes wer.e burnt with fire, fo as none ·of them lhould longer fl:and tlp again!l: Chrift ,. the truth and fubfl:an~e of them :Then was the fonne of man let into his 1\ingdome moll: perfpicuoufl.y , .all -vailes were now rent,all ihadowes vaniihed, all partitions broken downe, and Chrifl: with open face triumpbantl y conquering and prevai- · ling in the world. And this, John· the Evangelifi: faw, ~ho dyed in the 1 ot.yeare after Chri£1:, about 30. yeares after tbe defl:rutlion· of ~he Temple' , as Ghronologers have colletled. ' r ·~ f 0 hjefl. Chrdl was Colne in his Kingdome before :. f0 John Bap'7 tifl: preached;Reptnt"for the kjn~:­ Jome