Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3)-8 Of the times when the Gofpels were written• Cpr.ijiJ i(ingdome --- dome D[God il at h4~d: and Chrifi himfeife faid in c..Matt. I 2. If! by th~ Spirit ofGod call: out di~ vels , then_ is the kjngdome ofGod come}Intoyou; · Anfw. True i.fis, the fonne of man w~s~ome in his kingdome ! before: I · .in the beginnings of it: ·2,. to J udea: 3.in a dim & obfcure _light in comparifon. But now it is come in the power ofit, and to all th~ world, even in the Apofl:Ies time, wl1ereof our Saviour here fpeflketh. Wee might adde hereto the writing ofthe<~vangelifl:'s :Matthew-, who ' wrote his qofpell (.ight-yeares after·ChrHl:, bfarkf ten,Luke ·firree~e, and John forty t'\«JQ;. wherein Chrifl came in his \ Kii1gdome apparently _to allrhe ·w·Grlcl , in ·an t:he Churches of the New Teltament. Yea this~lafl: :ofrrhe Apoft1es;Joh11, Jaw ~thrifis .c·ommi ,1g in . his Kit1gd(1me moft ·glgrioufi x~in till~ undauntr_d con- ..-,\\, feffioq !