Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Andfuperiour ttJiliem. 361 jeCl:s,bu_t true in his promifes and retributions of reward to thofe that valiantly fight his battels. · • ~. Other Kings have fubjecb -: 2: · thre'e-aeJnuftbe fubjects, which ons ofRo_man Empetottrs-; zgh. Nerg,under whom Peter. & Paul {uffered, of Domitian , :under whom himfelfe was banifhed iti· . ·to the I fie Pathma~.., where hee wrote bisReveiation,;tnd ofTr~-· jan, under whom were m~ny ·thoufand Chrifiians drawne ~ to death daily , as 1! linie the (fcond Eufeb.h~Lt tefiifieth,writing in their benaJfe Ecc~~·i1b. to Trajan, the_ ~mper<;>~r; ·-in: 3 .ca • • whofe --dayes John ' wrote his . 1 j . Gofpell,a~ddyed the Io.t.ydtre of his owne age. All w·hich hath . notably cleared the fen{e of our :Saviours p;eaictio~i~ No~y ~fol.- . ]owe~ the obferv~tton. ·. J ' . -'Where thl Word of G·od i/1nofo Dofi. po'R'erful!y prntched' , lfnd mrljlJ. By prc:a- · cheer~fHI'J oluJed .; there :' (:hrijl: chiop and: j l commeth' J moft glor~eufly in l h'u )ob~ymg . _ K. 1 , the Word - . t,ngaome. ~