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~tnd faperiour te tliem. 361 · jects,but true in his promifes and re'tributions of reward to thofe that valiantly fight his battels. · 1.. Other Kings have fubjed's -: ~: and here muftbe fubjects, which heare hid voice and follrrw him,Joh. "- 10. 28. called a willing people, Pf. , 110. 3· Elect, and drawneofthe · Father:all gathered by the word. and voiceotChri!l:, and ofunwilling made a \Villing people-;. becau[e his redee_meq ones,both by price and power. · 3. Other Kings have their 3: lawes and fiatutes for the government oftheir fubjects. The lawes ofthis King are the lawes - ofheaven, the Charter ofheaven, the Word of God in the two Tefi:aments, the law of entire nature renewed in the forme-r, and the law of faith revealed in the latter. It is hence called the word' of the Kingdome, M~etth.I 3· 19. becaufe his Kingdolne is erected -. an~ pref~rved ·by it. And thefe · R lawes