Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

' 4· S"· Eminencie ofChri~ aboveo• th~tKing~. chrift like to J(in,'f,J., ·Iawes are bounded with rewards to the Obfervers,and.penalties to the ~.tr~nfgreflou~; all thefe being comrrehended in the promifes and threats of the word. · 4. Other Kings ride in great fl:ate and glory,both to make and execute ]awes , as alfo in their jull: warres fer the defence of their right and fubjetls, and jufr· revenge ofwrong-doers. So this King ririeth upon ~twhite hDr{e,and every ~vhere triumpheth by his truth, beit.1g faithful/ and true, fighting 11nd judging righteoujly, Rev.r 9· t 1. and P(al. 45. 4. Pro- . JPer with thyglory, ride upon the word of truth 11.nd mcek!ne.r. ~nd how glorioufiy he rode on upon his word, through all the worldJ after his Afcenfion , wee have -lhewed. 5. Other Kings have their crownes,fword, and fcepter~ but . with much difference from this I King : 1. He bath mllnJ crownu . upon - ..