Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

364... Chrift lik-eto Kings, 1 their fcepter in their hand, hee in his mouth. 6. 6. Other Kings have their guard and armie to attend them : Sohath he thofe, who know the time and place of their atten. dance, Pfol. li o. 3· Thy people foal/ come willing{J at t~e time -of ~jJem/J/ing thine army in ho'.J 6eaHtie : whereby wee know· who they be , that waite on Chrifr as his fervants , namely, thofe that waite at the time and place ofholy a!femblies,called his holy 6eaHtie : thefe ba\re lree accelfe unto si m in his pr.efence-en amber' and follow him into their owne hearts, where hee is prefent by his Spirit to guide -and comfort them. By all this plainely appeareth, that where the Word is preached and obeyed, the Lord J efus cemmeth in glory, and in his Kingdome. Ris name is the Word of <.Sod, his fubjetts ga- - -. thered