Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Enemies ofChrift, I Chri!l:s.comming powerfu11y in M1 , his Kingdome :: themfelves wiU · t.%.3·'3· 1 . nDt enter, nor yet (ujfer {uch as would enter into the Kingdome. And the like of our wilfull Reenfants , and fuch as rcfufe to • heare the,vord preached, which is the Proclamation of this great king,invefting him into his king• dome : Were not 'he a difloyall :{ubjetl, that would wilfully denie his prefence at the Proclamation whereby the king is proclai- · med the Iawfull heire and fucceffour into his king dome?And will not theLord J efus reckon him an enemie J that refufeth to be rrefent while-he is by pub like prea- /ching and proclamation fet into his Kingdome, a~ the Lord of his Church?hath Chrifl: any place in his heart., that cannot abide to heare he fhould be fetin his lawfull inheritance? ' · O.h that all thefe, either feeret er profeffed ·enemies ofChdfr, wou_ld t