Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

And__hif King dome. would f~afonably confider what a fearefull thing it is , to enter into ~ombination againft Chrifis King~ome· and government i 1. Hath his Father eftablilhed 11~ , him on his Throne , and [et hi4 Pfal.z..l. . Ki~tg onSion, and will the rebels ,. difplace him 1 will they wrong and refift him, whom the Lord hath fet up ? will they pull his crowne fr01n his head, dethrone· h~m from his government, wrefi: ' the fw·ord out of his hand, b-reake his fcepter in pieces, v'iolate his . lawes, and thinke to profper in . their high treafons, and in taRmg ap armes againft the Lord ? · 2 • . Looke on the dangerous 2.' iffue and efiate ofenemies , Ln. l.. · tlp~"'~' ~ 'l'··m ' 1 9. 27. Thofe mine encmie.r tha·t ~porrt; lrlet -will not I foould raigne over them, chtp.'ii~fll· hring them hither that I may de- HfJfl1• ./fro] ihem. Wilt then not froupe 1 to the rod of his mouth 2 his rod of iron is readie in his hand to · l>rellk..,e thee to piece! M· a potter .r . R4 vej[ell, 1 • ,