Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

vej[el , P flt/m~- J.. 9 • . ~ft ~.. On the other fide, it mu{l:- bee ~~~h~~10 the greatefl: comfort of a godly vingofth,e 1nan., when Chrifl: comes moll: Gotpell powerfulJy in ·his Kingdome :fo our LQrd here comforteth his Difciples in their farrow , that they lliall fee their Lord after a .great deale of contempt and paffion, lifte_d up againe in the glory ofhis Kingdome. A child .will rejoyce in the advancement of tpe Father : a fervant in the hoO®Ur-of his Mafl:er : efpecially a 1oving fpoufe in the advancement offler husbarid:And how ihould \ve che'ere up our feiv·es and others, to fee the lord J efus ho- . noured in a powerfull Mini!l:e-rie, his enemies throwne downe before him , our brethren drawne by multitude-s under bis allegeance I &c. Contrarily, it fuouTd be the griefe of our hearts,- when any thing croifeth his kingdome, when aAy defigne prevailet~ aga1:1fi