Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

tlnd le if King dome. g~tnfr -his word' w h~n a~-~y_h_o_]y-,-..--- Minifl:er.ie is cafl: downe, when the Lord lofeth an enfigne, &c. vV ee mull alfo every one doe Ufo 3 our bell to fet up Chrifr in his In helpi~ Kingdome, and that bee may lift( rhe up and hold up his fcepter every \ h~l~e ~P · where : .tlrou pravefr his king- C_.mft mto 1 h1s thron~. dome may come, ufe meanes for that thouprayeft, in what place foever. . . · If aMagill:rate, thou mull: pu- I • niih offenders againfr his lawes, as well as againft the Kings~thou mufl: order thy government as well by his ·lawes, as the Kings : By thy example thou mufi grace ,. the \vord, as well as by thy prefence thou wilt grace the execution of the Kings la\ves. IfaMinifl:er,thouart the Lords 2 • S~epter-bearer:thou mufl: hold up this Scepter and m1ce of Chrifr, preaching the word plainly ,purely, fincere1y, infiantly: as Johns, goe next before l him, and m-ake way