Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

way for him: a~ friends ofthe bridegrome, be fnre bee increaf~ though wee decreafe. How doe ·rhey this, that preach not at alJ, or now and then , or preach again{l: preaching,·and declaime again!l: tpofe ~hat mo!l: zeal~ufly advance the Scepter and glory of Chrifi? that were not Chrifi: too tlrong for them,. and truth fhonger than all, Chriil: fhould never -come in his Kingdome : ifhee wer,ea King,helhouldbe fuch an one as Jjh6o:foeth, a King without ·aKingdome,without fubjech or 1awes. , 3. · If thou bee a privare perfon, thew thy felfe a goodfubjetl: to· this King, and fet up his Kingdome both within and without thee. · r w;thout thee: thou mufl: fet up his lawes and authoritie in thy familie, by infiru.:lion, catechizing, prayer,and holy orders, by ,which faith and the feareof God ~ .. . ~ay