Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

into hi$ Throne:. - 3 71 , may bee planted and cherHhed ; l i:hat there may bee,a draught ofa f Chureh in thine houfe :, and by Chiififan conference admoni:~'hing·and exhorting one another, to containe every one in his alleageance and fub jedion to J efns Chrifr~ · Above all, \vee muft bee c~refull to fet up this Kingdome -rPithin ourfelves, and maintaine the ru1e and foveraigntie of Chril.l: by his wo.rd in our owne confciences. ' Q.._ueft. How may wee' doe this? / Anf. r. If as good fubjeels we How _ fra.me ru;d compo~e our felves to ~i~~~~me thts Kmgdome : ,Both to the is crefled lawn of it, for Chrifiians are a and main.. people under lawes, aud bee that 't~in~d acknowledgeth not the funda- wtthtn us. mentallla'Yes ofthis Kingdome, 1 • and will not bee ruled by the word ofChriH,is none ofChrjfis · fubjeds: Asalfo tO· the holin.efe · , of(