Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

372 - Helpeup Chrifl ~fitl by daily putting on a divtne nttture, 2 Pet. I·4 ~ The fubjed's ofChrifl: are people ~1 a pure langtt~tte: and though fanelitie bee/ icorned, and hunteo with difgrace out of the world,this is the King onely ofS~tints. 2. j 2. If as good fubjeCls we ferve with chearfulneife and joyful- · neffe this-King of glory. With chearfNinef[e: for his people are a · "~Pi!!ing people, and bringfree-wil/ offering!, Pf{/,1, I I o. and befides, ~o ferve him is to taigne, all his fubjects are Kings, the eftate of the meanefl: Chriftian is a King- . dome • With joJfulnej[e alfo : -Pfol. 149·2· Let the childrtn of Sion rejoyce in their King: bleffe G 0 D that hath fhewedus the { way to this Kingdome, who elfe had beene fiill in the Kingdome of dark._ neJfe: and that hee hath made an entrance for us into this Kingdorne,Col.I. r2,1 3.and the rather,becaufe bee bath paifed by the