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into btJ Throne. 37 3 the Angels that fell,and made no entrance for them, yea pa{fed by many nations and, millions of men , and out of all the world brought us under the !ubjed:ion ofthts King. 3. If as good fubjeCl:s wee maintaine the honour and authoritie of our King, and cur owne liberties and priviledges obtai- " )• ned by him-for us. Firfl:, wee maintaine his right, Chrilts when wee fet up his word every rightd~ . where, and .fi.lffer it to comm,and fended, _ and rule our owne thoughts, how. I. -words, actions, and affections, and bring all into the obedience, ofChrift. If we cannot prevaile, that his·word may command and rule others, yet fee it rule and command our felves • Againe, when wee maintaine warre, and tako up armes again£1: all his and our enemies, that rife up a- , gainfi his honour and our falvati- . on. We mufi: be fiout and invincible 2.