Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

374 · Defend Chrifts ·right, cible againfi all that w~uld tn .. _croach and raign over us in ftead of J efus Chrifr, as namely, wee mufl: levie forces,and ferve in his warrt~s againfl: the temptations ofSatan, the corruptions of the world, and our owne luft~, and , the evils ofour owne hearts and lives: · all which wee muft refill: inftantly, for the Adverfary is •·.· · rdl:le£le in affaulting : wifelj,fianding on our watch, and in the ·complete armour ofGod : ftout- !y, for the warre is difficult, but the vitl:ory certain and glorious. Secondly, as good fubjeds we muft maintaine our owne liberties: Gal. 5. t. Stttndfa.ft in the li- /;crty wherervhh Chrift ha_th m~tde · m free, a11d !Je notint11ngled ~tgaine 'With t~e Jok..e of bondage. R-efoJve lJCver to come under the bondage offinne and Sa·ran any more : it was bafene£fe and madneffe ·in Ifrae1, that being free tt6m Pha· raohJ oppreffions , they would run ne