Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

-And h~ loyal/. 375 - - -- - - ----- ------ ----- run hack into Egypt in all hafte. Nor under the yoke & bondage · ~fhumanetraditions,or yokes of Antichrift, Chri!l:s greateft enemie. Of all flaves and vaffals let us efi:eente the fiave of fin the greateR: and {eeing the Son bath Joh.8.36. m*'-dt m free;letus highly prize & tly maintaine this fi eedome. To perfwade all this; I ._Confider what an abfolute Mon:J,rch Chrifr is ofwhat pow- ,er to confiraine obedience, and refiraine rebels : he can get himfelfe a name,and lift up his Scepter without thee, and againfl: thee, being God and man, and Lord of all things : but for thy good bee would take thee in as ·an affifrant in his government,and if thy fervice bee his, his honour is thine. l. Confider what agood and 2:• gracious Lord thou fervell, one that no way burdens his fervants andfubjeas, but every way en~ ricbeth