Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I 6 S elfe-denia!l,what it i.r. a fort himfelfe : Not onely his ri· ches, which a man is willing to hold as fafi as his life; nor onely his friends, which are mofi: dear, as a fecond felfe :but even his name, his liberty, his J ife it felfe, . all w·hich mufl: be willingly and · cheerfully given up to God, ar d denied rather than Chrifi: and his - truth ; that a man may fay with Peter, Majl1r, wee have left""to -· 1ollow thee,114at.I9·27• • 2. Things ~n~ard~ \V hi eh ca ~ 1 1 m.. hardly bee dtfi111gtHihed from ' - himfelfe, and \V hich yet come neerer the quicke; as namely, a mans whole corrupt nature: And here, taking it topeeces, Firfi, hee mu it deny a1l the -wi(edome of the flefo, which is enmity to God. And till this be done,t.he.re is no favouring of the thing~ ofGod, no relifh in Gods word, wifdome, or waies. 3. 2, Hee mufi cleny his owne corrupt will , which is contrary · to