Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Th c Chrifiian Ra~e. ' 3 -~ I llrong reafon, frem.a pleafant fimilitude, comparing the life of a Chrit1ian to a Race : thofe · that ran ne in ·a race, either for praife, or a garlandofflGwers,cr a.fmall temporail reward, pamper not their bodies, nor load and ftuffe them1elves with meats and drinkes, but are abfl:inent, and put thetnfelves into a · fpare diet, arad forbeare and ftrip themfelves ofal enCUll'lbrances, and the ufe even Q f ~e bell: things,which would make them . . \ r heavy & unweldy in thctr r-ace. Mtt~h more thould ym-t, in this fpirituall race, f@r the attaining ofanother manner of Crowne or prize, call: off all things that pre J[c downc and encumber you, . andfo runne thc·racc fet before yott, as you tnay obtaine, and not be fhdlrate of your expe... dation. I Th~fe. Cor~nthians were well ~T~ereafon acc.rJamted w1th the maftner of ot i1:, runners: Knn-w J' n"t,that they R ~ which ~ ~------------~-------------