Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

3)-:!. ThcCbriftjJtnl,?.ace. , .. l .!taftmili. tNdsCircenjitsm Allfll· fliniet71a utwertit , - ~l,piu~t~. :Co11{cff.l.6. which runne if c;rJJ'r·tp, in a race, &c. as ifhe had faid, Tee cAnnot hut ~cw. There w·cre the games of OlympUJ, celebrated every fift yeare in the honCJur of Jupiter·.: and there were the IflmittN gamt"~, iollitutctl of I Thefom in the bon()ttf't!)f Nep~ tttne;their Sea-gqd, ,vb1ch were every fifth yeare exercifed at . Ijlmus, a fireight in, Greece, in the fight ofCorioth. . -ObiJfJ. But ,Ybydoth the A· po!He dr~wAis argument from prophane games, ufed among heathen$ in heneur of their Idols·-? Anfw. The Apofile a·pproves · not the games~ not fuewes how w·ell or ill they d()e in running, bnt from·them ·deduceth what we-may turne to agood ufe in··a better race, for a better prize. Our L'Jrd approves not ofaa Nniuflflew~rd,but,onely lhewes how wee may and · ought wifely toprovide fgr our fclves, ashee . did• .