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dtd. Chrifl: apprev·es not: a tlueves commin'{ in •tJ'Je night, when hee compares hin-\'felfe to i one, ~v. I 6. 1~ 5. onely 1'1ee ex~ ! cites our watchfulneffeto be al- . wayes ready for his corn ming. Nou.· Arid even from this t )ratl:ice A rule of of the Apottle wee may gaine a Chriftian rule ofprudenc8 : when l re mu {I prudence.. lfte many things w-e miflt/z ~' /Jut _ ~annot~reformr, to mak.§ tb.e heft u{e ofthem we can. A wi!e . man may ·gather good, from chat which is not fo good. A m, 'n may fometime _light of a peect. ~ of geld on a dunghill : . and \vill he not take it up ? The.Bee win fLtCke· fweet honey, even out of fiinking herbes. Wee may not prefently tumult againfl: things \VC di11ike, no more than our A· pofl:le: but if we cannot amend them, fv to take notice ofthem,. as, they may doe leafr hurt; and if wee may, gather fome good I from them~ and we fee,tbat- we . mayma.ke goodufe ofthings we.. , R 3: apVfo.