Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I.- I Doc1r. I · Chrifi~an , Lfe is a 'kinde of approve Slot, N~w to the ·words. In this thort Apvltolieall injuncHoH are three t~1ings : t. The precept, · t1 ,.Hnnt.': l. Themanner,fo·run: 3. The ~ :nd,th~t JC ma7 1~taine; namel y,l the fcope and ay me. In the, Precept are, I. J17h~ mufi runne. 2. R>hJ he mufi r'lnne. 3· 1 vlun he mull runne. 4· The ttfe thereof. Fq 1 the firl:l: af thele. Efltry Cb rift#~tn muft runni: f()r,CkriJJ ianity u ntJtbing6ut 11 rAce~ ancf ' every Chriftian mui rNmtf tlu race flt /,efv-re him., Efe6r. 1 I 2.1. IJ'l .otherraces, as t~at of Ifimus neare Corinth, to which I ~urApofl:le alludeth,fome runne and fome fl:and fl:ill,or looke on : but her~, in this Chrifrian race,. all mufl: run, men and women, high and low,rich and peore,and . none mutt looke on. And ~bat , Now C hriftian life is compaiq five re·/ red to a ooude or race, in Scrip- ~ fp.eets, tu re