Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

·' Our/ifc~r4ce,in whatrefpQfJJ. 1 355 t-;;-re, -for five refPJe6l-s conlide-\ rable: 1. As all running muA: be in x. away, and within bounds and limits : fo here, the way to run i-n, is the 'Wit) of QoJs (@m_mnn.. dements, P[ltl. 1. 19. 3·J . This is the right and good way, the lightefl: and (nortef.t \vay, the taireft and cleaneft way, with- .,ut all windings- or tnrnings to the right or left hand. ..., · 2.. In running is a t:hife and 2 • contention : fo in the ChrHHan race : but the flrife is not by _fpeed or fwiftneffe of feet, but a fpirituall firife,of faith,vertue, piety, good conkience and obedience. And as in a race the whole man runneth and fi:riveth · and every part: ofthe runner : fo in this race, a rnan cann0t have religion in his ffiQUth and profeffion, and fay hee will nmne, 1 but fcarce move hand or foot in· any good duty : no man ea~ run \with his tongue, aFld his .foot l R 4;· . fi:and