Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Our life a. rAce; --------- ---~ Rand fiill. Ifrael profefled, that -wh~tt{oevn" theLord (ommanded they would doe: here were good words : but h\1\V ofEen did they tempt hirn in the B.efart ? ParJ.! ,. would l'l0t runne, as heating-tbe ayre with bare \vords, 1 Go~.9. 1 Cor.4.2.1> j 26:.... Neither ~oth the kin~dome · ofGod fiand 1n word,hut zn power: which is, when in all things \vee labour to keepe faith and good confcience, in ,all things_, before G.odandall men. 3 . ;·. In runningthere is a goale or prize which we run for. The prize or Crewne for which we runne,is everlafhng glo~y : not a crowne or -wreath of flowers, bnt an incorr:~ptible crowne, I · Pet .5 ·4-· 4• 4· As in a race are fpecrat.ors, a,nd the V mpire that giv·es the . crowne or prize : fo here, the 2.Cor.4 9 . Jpe.:lators are men and .Angel!, I . and·the Vmpire is God, an in- · corrupt Iudge, who, having ap- , pointed the race, giveth the ! · crowne