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crc:nvne .to every one that run- . 11eth welL. · 5. As at the end of the race, d1e w:tg~r is wonrne orJotr, and the cr<awne received er mifl:: and as the race is runne,..fo it is difpofed : fo at the end of our- · life, the prize of eternalHife i$. either wonne or I()fl:; and ifitbe . in the race l oH:, .it can never be . recovered, neither by bribe nor·· intrcaty. I( in ·this life we win it·, we weare it, ur.eHe it is. loft for eternitie. Thus Chrirtian life is a race. Next, why mufl: we runnethis'. race? Anfw. t. There ig no O:anding in Religion: and the way is vel -ry long which we have to g0e ; we have a large jeurney ,as farre as betwixt. heaven and earth;and· · though \ve runne,vve iball come . in fiow enough;, . 2. The time is ihort-which is allotted to rnnne thts rac_e·: · na1nely; .the time of this life, . R 5 , which · 2. Reafons why wee m~llrun this race. I .