Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

\vhich is bLit as a vapour, apofl:, an arrow flying in the ayre: . tke ·day is iliort, the night hallen8,. and:. our feare (;)f being benighted lhould mfren,u-s thorow. 3.. The parties again Cl: whom-: \Ve runae,, are very f wift and ~unnin_g to fupplant :. for wee runne againfl: Jlrinciptz!itie 1 and Power:r, the devill,., ourflcfh, {jn. and !inners, \vho. iilcefl?mt1y feeke to flacke our eourfe iri this race; fometimes carting in our way (as c..Yl£edea) a peece of' faefh , and fometimes g0lden:. Apples (as the Poets feign~ of ~talanta) that is,_the profits. ·orpleatures of this life, all to. cafl: us backe in ot1r ·way :: Ray,. our owne incumbrances are fo many, as \Vet: need no other to flow o'.lr pace :· So as the fwif-. tefl: runner fhall come flo\v e- .nough ; and if the r~tnncr fcarcely be ktved, where fuall the Joy- . t:trc_r appeare? J}a \V. ee muftrunne,. to wit~. ( nefle.