Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

nefle both our difaffeding and· difl:afting tl1ings below, which \v.e hafl:en from, as alfo GLlr earndl: affed:ing and defire of the guale al\d cro\~ which it in our eye : as the two Difciples, Peter and John, runne to outntnne one another, through earnefr defire which of thetn fuould firO: fee Chrift. bein~ rifen : fo the Chri!lian mufr hafienancl tl:rive who may enjoy Chrifl: firfr an.dmofl:,and fee hirn: as he is. But when mu!t we runne?· .Anfw. Onr whole life muft be a.race ~ 1 Pc.t.i •. I 7· Pajfe the whole time of your pi~~rimttge here in feare. Now is the time to win ne or loie the goale. E-. rernalllife' is wonne or loft in· this life. Spare thy paines here, and there fhaU bee no·fj)are of thy paines hereafter. No\v ~h~r- . fore take the time, evca this day : as a: v~ife runner will fet eut betime,_and get the ftart if · ·- he ~­ Al our lite, the time \Jf thls!a&e•