Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Not the end o£ life onc:Iy. t'ittA/onr. j - • ~-. \ he can,. efhis Adverfary : Pfal.~. l·tl 9.6o,l made haft,and dc!aye.d. n~t to (!~pc thJCommandcment.r~. Mauy fbolilh mea in their life. and health ll:and frill, and idle ~u the day, _and wo~ltd fa{~·e rnnn~· apace ~ w~en. they are fi~kc; or ~ying. :Su~ conGd.er in ti_me Sl '· 1 • \V hat an unfit bufin<::ffe a race 1 i~. for~ thole tin1es :a man to run . b_ad need of health and ll:rengthanq not bee bound cp his bed of · fi9~en~ffe~ 2 .. It is. . very un., . likely, that bee lhould runne to , heav.en in.~is__ death, that hath b,eene runt!iRg to he.l all ~is .life: for as.the tree leaneth,. !o.com: n\cHtly it. falleth - and lyeth.. 3 ~ .'N i!.r:d~me will tell ~ ;ffian.) . . that fickndfe and ,de~th are the tim~. to ·end our:run_t1ing, nCQt , t(), ueg~~e k: - ~md _ .that Chrifl:ia~ njty js,,a r4ee to heav:en, oot.a j~mpe: ~nd rheway.is long, and 1 11(:·. ed&both a .lat.t. ~ t. imc ~. ~~d g. ood: -~~edto at tame lt! . •· Nqw i~w~e m~.fi ru~ne 1n the · :, · · ~ Chri... "