Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

· 1: .rsdhow..____ I _?~6:;t_'-" 1Chrifl:ia~ c~ude, we karne h~w [ <:t~meit a. tg conce1vc ®f the f®urtd · Pro- noh~ r. ?f a f r.r. f[) ~. l · 1. j Cbn ,!Ian c;I·nqn o .L\C11gten; name y ,t ::1at , cou•fe it, is a labor-ious.. and pain~fuU · • cpur!e, as nmning..is a violent, )Motion, and a !l:raining exercifc _. wherein th~ whole ri1an -nm3: -~unne; efpecially, when a tnan ·nmneth l,lp an hili;as. we doe to- \vards heaven.. Aaj therefore_ nor. ~ . They are deceiv·ed; , that th· .ke a found Chrifhan can live at eafe, in iecudty. Is a ·gar- 1 ·bnd of flowers· d~nyed to hun I th~t loves his -eafc better than, th·e toy le ofthe race; .and is the . Crowne of eternall life- gi-ven-,· without labour? or can it fl:and · wJth the excellency ofJalvation I ·to be i0 eafil1 a~tain.ed I or is it . not worth all our. diligence-, .tQ_ ~Pet.J.to mfJk,: cur eleflionJure ? · I ~ •. The luke ·..v~rme Gofpeller. deludes bim!elf~~,that thinkes to· g~t heaven witkgood hopes a.nd wifhes, but will bee at .no firif~ , either 'ag~inft finne~ .or iti per-j · · for.;.