Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

when »'e mujf nen,and b£i"ff •. farmance ef good duties : as if · Chrifl:ianitywere fuch aGentiemanly life, as to ha ~e their rents· come in; by Stewards, whether · they flctepe qr w~ke, worke 0r play. No : thou' mufl:/ftriveo ts enttr, and runne, and pant, and: fweat, and bee happy if all thy labour can 1ttaine the Crow ne. Bat if heaven bee worth no-. thing,.take thine eafe,ftand·ftill,. or lye Hill, rneddle not with grace. But if it bee worth any thing, thou thalt know it Is not I gottr;;u .v1th nothing. . 2 • .A:gaihe~if Chrirtianity bee a .lir:!y.twmomgho o~e race and fl:rife, rhen muft we alL . ' not er m 1 L c h .... , , ,'".,. I-~ . . • • finve to go~ E) ne CJerore anot er H:nmn•lll; JJI.Ittllt. cqui& · in knowledge, faith, obedience,. ("o. 1 1 . aNd all graces. :lunners in a race 1Mwlzrcmtzbli6 firive who may bee foremofl: :. pr•~c- 1 and runners in a fpirituall race ll l!l!'i!n.~v~ .. •r::· mLlil Cf'nten~,who may fir!t apf,,;,J . P.re~end the grace of ~te~nall bfe 10 t~e means andbegJRntngs ofit. For, · x.. This is the: ~ne1y holy and waro..