Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Atfotives·to run this Race.. 36 3 warrantable ambitiC!>n, emulation, and covetoufnetfe, to covet aftcrtheiJeftgifts, t eor.I· 2.~1. z. . Wee fee how men fl:rive to be before others in wealth ,.in good bargaines,.in pride of apparell,. in dainty fare, and vthatfoev·er rrray fet forward tbe delights of this prefent life-. And ought wee not muGh more t(,l - flriue to bee firfi in th~ bargaine of eternaH life,. in the riches of grace, and in the wealth of anhaavenly inheritance ? why Ifhould tbe children ofthis world \be wifer in their gt'nt'r&ttionJthan, the children oflight ? 3. Se(: wee not wicked men rnnne fail: to hell,and i~rive whomay bee foonclt there, and which may fill Uf' his meafure firfl:? See we not how \vtetched and debaucht perfons glory· whes they ca·n out-f weare:) out- . drinke, or out-brave another?· and· yet the itfue {)f all is that · hire that belomgs to <Captainefihntr$;. -- · 2 Luk,1l.8 3·