Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I MotiV( s to rJJ» thi:t rP:c~. finners, and fuch as being in the. highdl: . forme of fin ne, muf1: alia bee in the deepefl: dungeot:t. of wrath and J reveng~. And 1h:1 ll \vee, .who hav:.c fo.faire a marke in our eye, tGl encour.agG ~.nd irnp:-ove all our. labour, flt f - . fer every one to g~t before us.. - in the way ofGod, wh~ yet are cehinde us in the lncanes and enco'urage1n.:nrs ? Thde are the cUotivN: . Direll10n.r forxnnning aright follow w the .next point. And fo . · frotn the pr.ccept ~wee cotne. to-.1 · . I the m&t.nner: So r11nne. I I I. Not every tt1nner or fl:river ./ an~e r of 1 obtaines, but hee that runs and - runpmg ft · , l "r. ··h .. t . r; ~ 1 im 2 S' 1 rsve.r awJ tt!lv.., w ·,1 :il l$ . 1 o to, • . 1 ; ~nne. , namely w. . itb l-imitation.. - ~rft. Vhicbare they? · .A_nf. They confif}, Lin right, ! p~eparation : z. Conditions. ~ ·Ne nu n can runne fo as. to . : attain ~,tpat is notrishtly prepaU:llkcwnereln red to the race. And the prepa- l r~tion fi:a~s .. in :-two . thi~gs : : . Put~