Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

I - 1 Puttingoffall hindrances: Provia·in~ all need full he!pes. Firfl,_we 1nuft cafl: offall burdens- and weights that prdle us ~ downe: Pleb~ 1 ~. I. the Apo- ~ (He enioynes firfl: to c11ft off all\ th>ft prejfetf9, dowtu, .aNd then rumu tf,.~ race that is fet before us. Ancl thas the-runner for a temp6>raU pri2:e willcaft oJF.fi1ch garments and carriages as he can well part withall ~ we.e mttch . more. The Scripture points us to fundry burthens which murt be cafi off: as, 1 Sinne, which prdfetb downe as an . intolerable clogge a·nd bur then ; [-Je6r. 1 z ~I. The finne:that fo eaflly befets t#· : and as a garmelilt thatwraps.us ab0ut and hinders the free uie of our joynts and limbs: fo many fins are fo many chaines and f er-te r~; an.d hardly can a mam nmne, with his fet ters on h~; hedes: / ftm ,.I ,. 2·.1. L qy ,ajide af!, fihl;itJcjfe. ~The· I ,., . , . 7u.» W:f'~~~~ ~%V d..... f!A~ n'dJI,