Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

2 The immoderate care of the world murt be cafr off : for, h0w doe wee fee worldlings, \vho have dogg,ci themfelves ·rh the weight of e~~.thly cares and defires, runnefbut hoblingly ? no duties of piety or mercy can be feene iR their hands : 1'1® incitements or perfwafions can prevaile to qutcken them ·: Luk.S.r4 earthly cares, aJ thor.ves,choake all the feed. How· can a mart run ne throttgh a thicket,or fiiffe clay? fo here,HAh .1 6. 3 3 We m·ua cafl: off the immoderate N[c of the world, and the things ufit, and beware w€ 1,. 1111m11 , 11 Cap. li·34 . oppr~!Je not our [elves with {Hrfetting, or dl"t4n~nnef!e, or plea-. fares of life; but by mornffcation ke~pe our klves thinne and fpare, If bee that were to run a race fhould fl:l1ff.: himfdfe with eating or drinking, fol• towing hU. appetite. hee would runne bt~t heavily, his adverfary \vould wifh no greater ad ~antag.e,