HelptJ in running. To give influences as ~1 head; ; and alto acover for all detea~. :.a The ApGfl:le advifeth us to prouide patience, HeG . t j.. I .and~ we have need ·of patience, tb'(!t }Vt mtty eni'oy the PremifeJ: alfo toendruethe croffes and affl.i· Cl:ions,.wherewithall the way~ is fl:rawed. And indeed · P.1tience nota\}ly fpeeds the numer in,his \vay; · becaufe it help·es hirn o.. many rubs amr hindrances that lye in it. If a rnnner £hould- . fioope to take up and remeve. out of his way every.llraw, er pibble, or. obliade, hee thould lofe much·ground, and caft him~ felfe bebinde ; and therefore· \Vith ~our age and r~folutien he ·leaps over all, and fpeeds him· fclfe by tke1n,: So patience m1kes t.H patfe by the reproches of Athei!b, that are fo "farre &om rnnning themJelv~, th~t they fcorne others that! ·do2; and li1ff.:rs us nnt to take notice , ofren of fuch things, which we / n1ight 1 ----~~------------------