.__,__ Iielpes in rtt~tniffg • .might trouble "ur felves with... al!, if cnr eye were not fixed on the goak and prize, in the end of~ur race. Befidcs, Patience is of n49taBle ufe te make the Ghr.i(han · runn~r long-winded, . ;.md fo enables --him to hold out the labour to the end. :. Another belpe is prayerto G6dfor good fpeed : f~ the ChurchtCAnt. I ;·2. D~awmee, llnd lwilt runn-e qfter tbcc. For vve are notfufljcient ()four folueJ to any thing, but a/!oHr fuffieicncy uof:G:;d, ·.2:C9r.3 .~. And therefore D4viJ every where j prayes the · l erd to dired him, 'to lead him in the way, tG> ·uphold him in the way, 'and to ~nlarge his .heart ·for ·receiving gracethat ''hee .may-runne tke way of his .CGmmandcment,, Pfii t-I 9.r2. This'-is .. the P..rep11r11tim for running Then the ·conJJti~n1 · :of ·1'unni~g are five: -. Ac· . r ' . - 1i Conditi:: f:>asofrun.. ning the Cbiiiian '"tacca:r ·tight,.five.