Taylor - BV4500 T195 1635

Right W4J· I Now confider, if Chrift bee the chiefe and onely ayme o thy life, thy prize, thy purchafe, thy all in all, in companfon of whom all eUe is drQ{fe and dwmg. Men runnc after wealth and riches m~ft painefully : others runne after honours and prefermtats : many after eafe and pfeafures:fome after knowledge and profeffion of Chrifl: : on thefe they fixe their eyes and minds, as their chiefe marke; and having attaine!!l th~fe, they it downe and reft in them. But very few makeChritl themarke whereat they runne: fe\v l1old him in their eyes and tl1oughts. And what can they hope to attaine at le.ngth,that Rev er runne at a right ~rke? 0 filly men ! .can they chttfe a better marke ? may they £hoofe anotber, anci ' not ch(Jofe death by refWing the Lord oflifc ?. The feconcl coadition is, to ru11 ;, the right -.ay, and w·ithin the li{b, 2 Runiathc right way..