Notes,of the way ·tb~tis right. Efa.3f·S · ' Hof.14-9 ____ ~ghrway. I lilts, or elfe the rall:erthou n:fnnefl:, the fitrth~r thou -art: fr01n obtaining. Now Chn£1: i~ the 'WifJ: and there is ·nu running ts Chrip, but by Chrifl ~: rhou muft Cull kecpe him in fighr.·Pa- - ptfrs muft needs fall iliort, that runne fr.o1n Cbt iH: to Saints, Angels, merits, humane 1atisfadions. Heathens mufl: mifle of f ~lv~.~ion, wh~ . run ne w:ith~ut /. J (bntr. And rnany fit::glm~ J .Chriftian~-who profei'!e Chrifr, I but breake cur into by·ianes of lulls. and flcfhiy courfes, an.· d io mif.fe the goole. Now to thole that are·care- ', full to enquire of the antient fafe way, they m~y difcerne it by the"fe notes: ·I. Itisa·clease way: the wayuboly; and the path islloly_, and the bDIJ,-pAlk! in rt. 2. J:t·is a j}r~tit ·-way, and fc·w Jralk.!·iH·it, inrefpect efthe multitude. 3. It is all fhawed with eroAes : and 11/l ·thttt will . lifJe ggalJ 1n Chrift, muji flijfer · ptr[f•